More information – is it for you?

The Revitalise Programme has been developed especially to give you the time and space to create a vision of what you would like in the next phase of your life. It allows you to develop a plan and take your crucial first steps forward in a supported way. The programme allows you to gain strength and confidence from sharing stories, supporting and listening to each other within a confidential group environment.
Is it time to put the YOU back in your family?
Are you ready?
Are you such a dedicated mum that you have lost sight of who you are?
Your individual hopes?


Here is your chance to revitalise

To take a breath

To reconnect with what’s important

Being a mum is part of that,

but not all of it…

Can you remember what else?


Find out how reconnecting with your self and following your dreams will allow you to be a better parent


For many of us when becoming a mum we find it a huge challenge to move from a professional life into parenthood.

On the one hand we love being a mum, feel like we are happier, more complete and more in balance than at any time previously in our life’s. On the other hand we can grieve the loss of our old life. We may have tried to go back part time to our old pre-kids job – but it doesn’t feel right anymore. This feeling can stay with us for years, as our children grow and reach their own milestones, we can sometimes, in a way, feel left behind.

Does this sound familiar?

Many of us find it a huge challenge to go from being professional, confident and respected by our peers to feeling emotionally challenged, tired, isolated and often unappreciated as our family becomes the centre of our world. We can quite simply loose touch with our own identity as we pour our life force into the ones we love.

Have you been wondering exactly what is next for you now that your children are getting older?

Although they still need you a great deal, it is not as much as when they were babies. You may have been thinking about years from now when they will leave home and your life does not revolve around them any longer. You may be missing the freedom of your old life before kids and the chance to pursue your own passions outside your family. You may be feeling guilty for having these thoughts! Relax; it is normal and natural to want some time for you. It doesn’t make you a bad mum!

Why should you get some time and space back for yourself? 

Well, it’s simple…

  • You will be a better parent when you are happy
  • You will be a better mentor to your children when they see you pursue your dreams
  • You will be a better spouse when you have something outside the family that is just for you (this may be work, but it need not be).
  • You will be a better friend, sister, daughter, aunty etc. when you know what you want, where you are heading and what is most important to you.
  • You can be more decisive about what you can and can’t do for other people
  • You can feel more in control of your own life and direction

Most back-to-work programmes do not teach how to tap into core values system and how to create the possibility of living the life that you want for yourself; they focus on resume preparation and job-hunting often before you have had a chance to fully explore all your options.

The Revitalise Programme is the critical first step, the step that can often be overlooked in our haste to feel worthwhile and useful.  This is a time when it is easy jump at the first opportunity that comes along, without considering the bigger picture.

Give yourself this gift of perspective…

The Revitialise Programme is designed to give you the time and space to really get to know yourself again; often better than you may have ever known yourself before. Give yourself a chance to reconnect with what is most important and think deeply about what you need outside the family.  For some people this is work, but it need not be.

The more we know and understand about ourselves the more we can know and understand what we really want from our life.

It is natural to wonder about how to balance everything in your life – it’s complicated!

If you have questions, you are not alone. If you are like most mums, you have been wondering what is the best way to balance your family and your ‘self’ since the day you discovered you were pregnant. This is because when you become responsible for another being (or several), things get A LOT MORE COMPLICATED!

Yet, there is a balance, and ironically the best place to be able to ‘see’ what the right balance is for you, is when you are not stressed and in overwhelm… Ha! And when exactly does that happen? When do you get to this mystical place?… When you allow yourself the time and space you need… no easy task. In fact, a catch 22… to see and recognise your path, you need to let go and not be in overwhelm. But when you can’t see your path and are frustrated that you don’t know what you want or maybe how to get there, you are stressed and feel overwhelmed… Sound familiar?

  • You do know what you want.
  • You do know what your ideal life looks like.
  • You do have all the answers to what you want in your optimal life…

But you haven’t yet had the chance for this to come into your conscious mind and organise itself into possibilities, plans and actions because of all the other stuff you are dealing with… Life is busy, life is tough, I get it. Dealing with everything life has to throw at us it can be hard enough just to survive. I know, I have lived it too…

How will you know you are ready for the Revitalise Programme?

When you answer yes to some of these questions…

  • Do you want to maintain your family firmly at the centre of your life?
  • Do you want to move your focus from solely family life to include something just for you outside the family?
  • Do you want to feel less overwhelmed with day-to-day life?
  • Do you want to feel less alone in your struggle to find balance?
  • Do you want to find more time for your self-care?
  • Do you want to contribute financially to the family?
  • Do you want to not have the heaviness of the question ‘What next?’ in the back of your mind constantly?

If this is you, you are in the right place. I understand what you envision.

[fruitful_dbox] My Story [/fruitful_dbox]
Before I began to train as a coach my answer was 'yes' to all of above questions... At the time I didn't even necessarily understand that I had all these desires - I just felt stuck and certainly didn't know how to get these things or if they were even possible. So I spent years searching for my answers, by myself and it was lonely… I often doubted that what I wanted was achievable and felt this constant weight of guilt, self-doubt and huge expectations… Looking back, this process began shortly after I became pregnant, the thinking and worrying about the future.
For me it came in six-montly cycles - each six months I would become unhappy and frustrated.  I didn't know what was really wrong with me.  I felt tired (being a mum was hard, but wonderful) guilty for not contributing financially and worrying that my professional skills were eroding.  I was concerned for my future and of being 'of use' outside the family. 

This heaviness came to a head seven years ago when Ardyn (my youngest son) started school, I found it enormously challenging to know how to move forwards. I felt very grateful to have had time with our boys at home, but what next? Having a family had changed my priorities and I was no longer willing to return to my pre-kids life of 40+ hours of paid work each week. My work needed to revolve around my family. I was afraid of making the wrong decision and spent a great deal of time and energy considering my options and in false starts. After much anguish and searching I found a coach. This made all the difference; I discovered that my path forward was to become a coach myself! Through coaching I was able to find a lifestyle to fit around my family while doing something I love – helping people.
As I became a coach I set out to learn how to create the most amazing group experience and help other mums through this confusing and anxious stage. This process has evolved into the Revitalise Programme – which I am very proud of!

Over the past few years the programme has evolved and grown. Beginning in Australia I have now brought the programme to the UK and have recently started to offer a version of the programme online. I have had the honour of watching mums accomplish amazing things, and the most wonderful part of it is to see them grow in confidence week by week and to accomplished things they hardly dare dream possible! I have seen mums become brave enough to chase their dreams, to take their families to other countries, to apply for and get their dream jobs, to start and become successful in their own businesses which allows them the freedom and flexibility that they want for their family lives.

Just as no two people are alike, no two families are alike and so our family journeys are unique.  With the love and joy that connects us as humans we can help each other to overcome setbacks and pain – to live the family life we desire while raising our children to be strong, independent and caring people.

What will you get from the programme?

As aspirations differ for each participant, so do the outcomes, however these are some of the common benefits reported by participants:

  • Increased confidence
  • Reconnection with what is most important
  • Tools and processes to help decide your next steps
  • Clarity of direction
  • Courage to undertake action in areas of importance
  • Permission to say ‘no’ to those things not in line with your overall plan
  • Deep understanding of not being the only mum struggling with change
  • Clearing away of hesitation and indecision
  • Empowerment to make change
  • Alleviation of the sense of being paralysed by too many options
  • Satisfaction of moving forward, even the tiny steps
  • Joy in seeing your wisdom assist others
  • Development of new friendships
  • Realisation of how close you already are to having your ideal life

What is included?

  • Group Coaching sessions with Tina Smith – 8 sessions of 1 ½ hour duration
  • Phone and email coach support for the duration of the programme
  • Group support from fellow participants undertaking a similar journey
    A programme manual including weekly exercises (pdf version for the online programme)
  • A journal for keeping notes, thoughts and reflections *
  • A recording of all sessions
  • A Private Facebook group for out of session discussion and support
  • An invitation to join a private Private Facebook group for graduates upon completion of the programme
  • Refreshments*
    *not provided for the online programme
13615471_10209838458820411_602810589263234535_n - Version 2Tina and her skills really changed my life!

I was stuck, I wanted to make big changes to the way we lived our life. I had all these thoughts in my head, but I felt unable to sort through them. Tina supported me in making huge life decisions.  She helped me organise my thought, priorities and plan. She taught me strategies to keep calm and on track. She helped me see that I'm notDragonfly - full alone.  Having belief in myself, what I do and what I want do makes living life so much better! (Read the whole of Sarah's story here).

United Kingdom

What is required?

  • Agreement to abide by the Standards of Presence
  • Access to the internet (required for online programme)
  • Access to Facebook (optional)
18199437_10212793765261225_6229457451883126576_nLiving the dream as my own boss!

I started work with Tina as I had been contemplating starting my own business for over 5 years. Due to having young children and moving countries and towns 
a few times, it had never felt like the right time. Through coaching with Tina I was able to explore and understand my reasons for delaying, a fear of failure and concerns regarding my lack of knowledge. I was able to break down the big scary goal of starting my own business into bite size pieces. With Tina’s support and accountability, I was able to take action and begin the steps needed to make my business a reality. The group environment was enormously encouraging and supportive and it was very reassuring to know that the doubts I had early on were common concerns. Had I not worked with Tina, I think I would still be making excuses for why I couldn’t start my own business, instead of enjoying being a small business owner.

WarwickDragonfly - logo
United Kingdom
The programme gave me the clarity I needed to start taking tangible steps towards making my ambitions a reality. I started the Revitalise Programme after leaving the job I'd held for the previous 6 years and feeling unsure of what I would do next.

Tina and the ladies in my group were incredibly supportive, positive and encouraging and made me feel capable of achieving my goals. It was great to meet others in a similar situation and realise that we shared a lot of common barriers to making our next move.

Since competing the programme I have started both working part-time in my chosen field and a college course to gain a relevant qualification. I would definitely recommend the Revitalise Programme to anyone who feels they may have reached a crossroads and would benefit from some guidance, focus and confidence-building around what to do next. (Read the whole of Mary's story here)

United Kingdom

This programme is especially useful for mums who are going through intense parenting transitions, for example if your youngest child is starting Nursery, Primary School, High School or leaving home. Any time you find your head / heart connection is in turmoil is a good time to join us to ‘Revitalise’.

Interested, but the time or date doesn’t suit?

Please fill out the expression of interest form below and we will try to accommodate you in an upcoming programme


Please contact Tina


+44 (0) 7932441450

I would love to speak with you!

If you would like to read the Research Paper written about this programme please click here: Participation In Group Coaching Is Shown To Increase Client’s Whole Life Happiness

One thing we can all agree on is that we want to be the best parents we can be to our children, but how does this jell with pursuing our own dreams?  We are living our lives and parenting at the same time, so where is the balance?  What is good for the children vs. good for us?


I have a Money Back Guarantee

I applaud you for being willing to try something new! I will happily give your money back if you are not satisfied with the first session and decide the programme is not right for you. Simply inform me via email within 48 hours of the first session.

Frequently Asked Questions

All materials will be provided for the in-person sessions.

For the online programme you will be sent a PDF of the programme manual.  It would be useful to have a notepad and pen to hand.

Tea and coffee (and occasionally something sweet!) will be available during the in-person programme.

An audio recording will be made of all session, so you won’t miss out on the group discussion.  You will be invited to contribute to the weeks discussion both via the private Face Book group and in the following weeks session.

This varies from person to person.  There will be a set activity each week.  This activity will usually take between 15 and 30 minute, but you may find it interesting an want to spend more time.  It is totally up to you.

This varies from week to week.

You will be given a learning journal (for the in-person group) and are encouraged to make regular entries over the course of the programme about your thoughts,  experiences and not what you learn.

Often there will be a written activity most weeks and often a 10 – 15 minute video to watch which will inform discussion the following week.

Once you have paid either the full amount or the 1st instalment of a payment plan you will be sent an email welcoming you to the programme, a Registration Pack and a link to the Pre-Programme Questionnaire and  with all the details of your chosen Group.  This may take a few hours, as it is not done automatically – I need to have checked my inbox, so please don’t be concerned if you don’t hear from me immediately.  If you are concerned, please call me (Tina) on +44 7932441450 and I will investigate immediatly.

We need a minimum of 4 mums in any group for it to go ahead.  If this minimum is not reached we offer you the following options:

  1. Individual Coaching in a similar timeframe.
  2. Participation in another group in the future or
  3. A full refund

In-person group sizes will not exceed 10 mums.

Online group sizes will not exceed 12 mums.

I want you to love the programme and for it to be a hell yes for you to want to do it.

If you have reservations about undertaking the programme, please speak to me (Tina) before signing up to discuss these.

It is always a bit nerve racking to start something new, so I offer that you come to the first session and see how you gel with the other mums and with me!

If you are not happy I please discuss it with me and let me know within 24 hours if you do not wish to continue and I will happily refund your money.

Unfortunately I have been unable to locate any occasional care opportunities for child care in the area.  If you know of any I would love to know about them to advise participants.   It is best you make your own arrangements.