24 Jan

The Revitalise Programme… I made this for you…

I made this for you…

As you fiercely strive to be the best mum you can be

I made this for you…

When some days you feel it’s too much to bear

I made this for you…

As one beautifully imperfect being to another

I made this for you…

As you strive and sometimes fail

I made this for you…

As you have fleeting moments of happiness almost too amazing to believe

I made this for you…

As you walk the path of so many before you, but with unique challenges

I made this for you…

As you enter each day with great intent to inspire, nurture and endure

I made this for you…

For when you have given your all and feel more is needed

I made this for you…

To help you understand what an awesome job that you do

I made this for you…

So that you may know the incredible gift that you give to this world

I made this for you…

So on those days you despair you can pause and relax into a smile as you gazed upon the beauty you created and know that the striving you feel each day (in this busy crazy panic of the world that is our home -) is totally worth it. Revel in the imperfection and the crazy mess as this is the essence of life and from this is created beautiful moments beyond compare

I made this for you…

So that you may boldly face each day knowing that you are more than enough and that you create beauty from the mundane, worth from the toil and that you have the ultimate choice of how you want to show up in this world

I made this for you…

So that you may dare greatly and step up to the challenges that you face each day, to show up be real and be proud that you have…

I made this for you…

To help you give yourself permission to relax and be yourself wholeheartedly, without reserve… For it is when we show up in this way, as our true selves, that we can change the world!

Tina Smith
